Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Alea iacta est: Wednesday morning 6.45 am GMT

captain's final verdict came through at 7 pm: I'll be swimming tomorrow morning from 6.45 a.m GMT onwards (7.45 a.m. NL time; 11.45 a.m Bangladesh time). You should be able to track my boat's movements for most of the day by clicking here (make sure you select the map 'Folkestone' in the rolldown menu on the left - the name 'Pace Arrow should appear in the map).

Great news: Just 2 hours ago Marcel made it to the French coast in 14 hours, which is exactly what he had predicted. He is now on his way to Dover Harbour. His wife Lilian and his 2 children will be there to give him his well-deserved hero's welcome; I might if I can't sleep. An awesome achievement, especially taking into account his relatively short preparation time (7 months), though building of course on tons of experience. But it proves that his training method works.

I write this in a Dover hotel room with a view on the Channel, which is flat as a mirror right now. No wind at all! I have spent my day being quite nervous, trying to nap while Asha was roaming the shopping centres of Dover with Lilian, stuffing myself with more pasta than I though humanly possible (carboloading - yuck), watching the weather forecasts, preparing my feeds, and writing this message. It will be almost a relief to actually be in the water and swim

I'll try and catch some sleep now. My next message will tell you if my attempt was successful or not. Thanks for the messages of encouragement I have been receiving so far, they are a real support!


  1. Hoi Milko, komt heus in orde met zo'n goede voorbereiding :-). Het Kanaal zal te klein zijn voor je ! groeten, Henk

  2. Hoi Milko,
    Na al die jaren van trainen ben je een uurtje geleden nu echt van start gegaan. Ik vind het geweldig dat je dit doet. De eerste kilometers zitten er inmiddels op. Ik weet zeker dat het zal gaan. Veel succes! Peter

  3. Just to let you know that all the delegation stopped working since 11:45... we all follow Pace Arrow on the web, calculating your speed average and just supporting you strongly!!!!!
    All the best, we are all behind you!
    If you think you can, we know you can do it!!!
    Keep spirit up!

  4. Hier wordt ook steeds gekeken hoever je bent. En in gedachten moedig ik je aan! je bent al dik over de helft als ik dit schrijf. Als ik het zo inschat het moeilijkste stukje. Zet hem op!

  5. Hi Milko,
    Just came back from the office - DEVCO H1 colleagues are following closely your crossing which must by now have reached the concluding stage: in a few hours it will no longer be alea iacta est but ... veni nati vinci. Jos

  6. Hoi Milko,
    I just got THE news: you did it!!!
    Congratulations!! You're à hero!
    Be proud of yourself.

  7. Ha die Milko,
    Dat je, in mijn ogen een held bent, wist je denk ik al, maar nu weet DE HELE WERELD het ook.
    Super dat je dit hebt gedaan.
    Gefeliciteerd. Als je dacht dat je moeilijk in slaap kon geraken vannacht....wacht maar op komende nacht. Dat wordt een grote stuiterpartij!!!

    Kisses from your big fan, Jessy
